Softball Standings

Summer 2024 Softball Rec - Sunday

Summer 2024 Softball Rec - Sunday POOL 1 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Points
1   Inglorious Batters 11 0 0 209 120 89 22
2   Home Plate Hogs 9 2 0 223 100 123 18
3   Base Invaders 7 3 1 182 54 128 15
4   The Buckets 6 3 2 163 23 140 14
5   Vikings 7 3 0 177 65 112 14
6   Game of Throws 6 (1)º 3 1 116 6 110 13
7   LMI legends 5 (1)º 6 0 199 56 143 10
8   Brew Jays 4 5 1 139 1 138 9
9   Honeybadgers 4 (1)º 7 (1)º 0 130 -14 144 7
10   The Deadliners 3 6 1 88 -102 190 7
11   Iron Paradise 3 (1)º 8 (2)º 0 69 -26 95 4
12   The Dingers 1 10 (1)º 0 83 -136 219 1

Summer 2024 Softball Rec - Sunday POOL 2 Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Points
1   Homewreckerz 8 (1)º 2 0 136 50 86 16
2   SCARED HITLESS 7 3 0 147 34 113 14
3   The Off-White Socks 6 5 0 211 19 192 12
4   Hitters 5 (1)º 5 0 166 1 165 10
5   Benchwarmers 5 5 (1)º 0 153 26 127 9
6   Bad Knees Bears 3 8 0 141 -52 193 6
7   Pitch Perfect 3 8 0 89 -112 201 6
8   Diamond Full of Weirdos 0 11 (1)º 0 75 -113 188 -1
How are Standings Calculated?
Based on setup FCSSC has always used (as in old CMS)...

Wins are worth 2 points, ties are worth 1 and losses are worth 0. If a team defaults, they will lose one point. Ties in the standings will be broken first on head-to-head play. If there are more than 2 teams that are tied, all the teams must have played each other once in order for the results to go to head-to-head. The scores from the last match-up will be scores used to determine the tie-break. Otherwise, least points (or sets) against, then +/-, then most points (or sets) for will determine the placement in that order. Standings are posted, and updated in real time, on the website.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.